
Gamonal: Spain says 'NO' to shopping boulevard crap

No, we don't want americanised british crap
A big thank you to all the residents of Burgos for condemning the town hall's decision to turn a space used by human beings into a mindless mass of organised fast foot chains, shops selling junk and bars that look like cinema foyers.

Well done guys. OK, so it took a bit of persuasion:

But OMG you've done us all a massive favour. With cities all over Spain supporting you, you have managed to get plain common sense into the minds of the capitalist thickos. A big NO to creating a space fit only for those who sit watching the publicity in between soap operas all day.

Thank you again. I was proud to be given the opportunity to share a little part of your campaign for common sense over at Alicante last week. Spain is and will remain Spain. Thank god. Thank you Burgos. Thank you Spain.